Bizzflow has everything you need.


Supported platforms

Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure


Using native features of specific cloud providers. IAM, logging, monitoring, network security.


Full CICD support, integration with standard utilities (git etc.)

Production and Dev environment

Separate SQL sandbox for every developer

Data Transformation environment

Native SQL analytical warehouse:

  • BigQuery for GCP
  • Redshift for AWS
  • Synapse for MS Azure

Optionally Snowflake integration.

Optionally Python transformations.

Supported data sources

SQL Databases
  • MySQL
  • MS SQL
  • PostgreSQL
NoSQL Databases Azure Cosmos DB
  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
ERP / Productivity
  • Fakturoid
  • Paymo
  • Google Analytics
Collaboration Google Sheets
Common SFTP

Didn't find extractor for your daa source? Don't worry! You can add your own, you just need to know Python and follow the guideline.


SQL Native support, based on analytical warehouse (BigQuery, Redshift, Synapse).
Python You can connect Python transformations.
CICD Support Yes. Using GIT utility.
Staging Pre-defined stages that separate each specific part of data processing flow.

Declarative operations between stages

Yes, declarative support of standard operations (WHITELIST, UNION, INCREMENTAL COPY, FILTER, AUTOMARK DELETES) on whole stage layer or on the specific data subset (KEX).

Yes. Every process (orchestration) and every developer has it's own sandbox with separate copy of the data. Independent from others. Custom created Sandbox Console for managing developers sandbox.


Workflow engine Apache Airflow
Declarative schedules support Yes, automatic DAG generation for individual steps based on configuration.
Programmatic schedules definition Yes
Branching Yes
CRON-style schedules support Yes


Type Table storage
Storage organization in individual stages Yes, using KEXes
Data preview Yes, using Storage Console